
X School had a good reputation, and was the most popular amongst the 5 schools in the area. X School had been around along time. Parents in the area had gone to the school and, twenty years ago, it was the most popular of 3 local schools.There were a lot of teachers at the school, who had sent their own children to it, although none currently did. X School was the smallest secondary school in the area, so caused less disruption to its neighbours than larger schools. However, Achievement and Assessment Tables* showed that the 5 or more A*–C percentage had reduced year on year for the last 3 years. This decline was not obvious, because the school still got a higher percentage than any of its neighbours, although 3 of the neighbouring schools’ percentages were on the increase. The Head teacher had been at the school for fifteen years, and was well known in the local community, but biding his time until his retirement. Within 5 years, X School went into special measures. Results plummeted, the A*–C percentage halved. Meanwhile, 3 of the other schools in the neighbourhood had overtaken X School’s A*–C percentage. It was only 2 Head teachers and 5 years later that the school began to improve again.

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