
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
GCSE - GCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C.
Gifted and talented - Gifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme.
Governors - Every school has a governing body. They are a group of volunteers chosen by parents, the local authority, the community and school staff.They are responsible for strategic and legal aspects of the school’s work. The governing body line manages the Head teacher.
Graduate teacher - A graduate teacher carries out school based teacher training.
Grammar schools - State grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools.
Graphics - Graphics is the study of aspects of design using drawing and computer technology. It is part of the Design and Technology* subject group but is often found as a separate subject at key stage 4*. It was traditionally known as technical drawing.

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